Press Release

Ubisoft Introduces Scalar: Redefining Game Development Without Size Constraints

Recent criticisms of Ubisoft’s extensive game worlds, particularly in franchises like Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, have sparked discussions about game size and player accessibility. The announcement of Scalar, a new game development technology by Ubisoft, has prompted questions about whether the company’s philosophy leans towards a “bigger is better” approach.

However, Patrick Bach, leading the team at Stockholm working on Scalar and a new IP utilizing it, clarified that Ubisoft’s stance doesn’t adhere to a universal “bigger is better” rule. “Do we need games to be bigger? No,” Bach told “Are some games going to benefit from being able to be bigger? Absolutely. It depends on that game, and the goal of that game and its creators.”

Bach emphasized that Scalar’s purpose is to provide developers with the capability to expand game sizes when necessary, stressing that not all games will inherently require this feature. “No part of a game should be driven by ‘more is better.’ This is technology, and that does not dictate what games you build, but there are games that will definitely benefit from being bigger, more detailed, being able to scale and being greater than they are today,” he explained. “I don’t think there’s a real connection between games being bigger and them being better or worse. It depends on the creators and how they want to spend their energy achieving their vision.”

Ubisoft’s Scalar technology, a cloud-based production tool, promises faster and more efficient game development on an unprecedented scale. However, specific demonstrations of its application remain undisclosed as the team in Stockholm is not yet ready to unveil their new IP using this technology.

“We wish we could show it to you, but we can’t right now. I don’t want you to take our word for it that we have it and others don’t,” said Bach.

Contrary to assumptions, Scalar is not intended as a licensed engine for external studios, akin to Epic’s Unreal Engine. “We’re not trying to sell you anything; we’re just talking about what we want to do. Ubisoft doesn’t want players or other companies to buy this technology; we’re just hinting at what the future will be like,” Bach clarified.

Ubisoft’s teams in Malmö (Ubisoft Massive), Helsinki (Ubisoft Redlynx), Bucharest, and Kyiv are also leveraging Scalar for upcoming projects, the details of which will be announced later.

Scalar is positioned by Ubisoft as a “development framework focused on crafting the ideal game design and experience,” liberating creators from traditional production constraints.

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