Gaming & VfxIndustry

Technicolor Spins off VFX and Game Studio into Independent Entity

Today, Technicolor announced the creation of a new entity, Technicolor Creative Studios, which comprises MPC, The Mill, Mikros Animation, and Technicolor games. The move, which was announced on Technicolor games’ website, has resulted in the formation of an independent company, which is now trading on the Paris Euronext stock exchange. Technicolor games’ services include art pre-production, asset creation, lighting VFX, and others, with a portfolio that includes major titles like Resident Evil, Call of Duty, and FIFA.

The newly independent Technicolor Creative Studios is expected to continue many of the same activities as before, benefiting from its foothold in traditional media, with the film division having worked on popular movies like ‘Nope’ and ‘Life of Pi.’ This move to independence may serve as a counter-narrative to the consolidation of game studios, especially among major publishers like Ubisoft, where Tencent has increased its stake.

Technicolor itself will now trade under the name “Vantiva,” leveraging its leadership in high-growth Android TV and Ultra-Broadband technology markets, while building on expertise in manufacturing, custom packaging, and global logistics through its Supply Chain Solutions. With agility being a significant reason behind the split, these two independent entities could leverage their differing missions to break into new markets, such as the mobile gaming space, as seen with Netflix’s own game studio diversification.

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