10 Best Healthcare Companies to Watch 2023Top 10 Inspiring Leaders To Watch 2022

A Comprehensive Solution for Behavioral Health Providers and Caregivers

Rethink has established itself as a leader in the healthcare industry by providing an innovative practice management platform for behavioral health providers. The company’s focus on addressing the needs of individuals with autism and related disorders has simplified and automated workflows for providers, improving staff training, and ensuring standardization of care delivery. This has contributed to the company’s rapid adoption and scale.

In addition to its practice management platform, Rethink also offers employee benefits and education solutions. Its industry-leading training and support platform for employees caring for dependents with developmental disabilities directly impacts the productivity of the workforce and helps employers create a culture of wellness. Rethink’s special needs management platform for public school districts is used by hundreds of districts in all 50 states and has resulted in superior student outcomes and significant cost savings for districts.

Rethink’s success can be attributed to its deep passion for social impact and dedication to innovation. The company’s unique approach to solving problems in the healthcare industry has set it apart from others. As the company expands its core product offering beyond treatment tools for dependents with developmental disabilities to support adults with a Neurodiverse condition in the workplace, it continues to be a company worth watching in the years to come. The company’s unwavering dedication to its mission and its customers has proven that patience and dedication are essential ingredients for building a successful company.

In conversation with Daniel A. Etra, CEO of Rethink

Can you provide a more sophisticated explanation of Rethink Behavioral Health and its benefits to clients?

Certainly. Rethink Behavioral Health is a leading practice management platform designed to support behavioral health providers specializing in individuals with autism and related disorders. Utilized by hundreds of providers nationwide, Rethink’s software enhances treatment outcomes by streamlining work flows, improving staff training, and ensuring standardized and clinically sound care delivery.

Furthermore, Rethink’s Employee Benefits and Rethink Ed solutions provide cutting-edge training and support platforms for employees caring for dependents with developmental disabilities, and special needs management for public school districts. These solutions enable employers to foster a culture of wellness, increase productivity, and significantly reduce the cost of out-of-district placements for special needs students.

Can you explain how Rethink’s Employee Benefits and Rethink Ed solutions improve the client experience?

Absolutely. Rethink’s Employee Benefits solution is tailored to meet the needs of employers with a range of employees from under 1000 to over 500,000. With research showing the impact of caring for a dependent with a developmental disability on productivity, Rethink’s program provides support for these employees, directly impacting their productivity and creating a culture of wellness for the entire workforce.

Meanwhile, Rethink Ed provides a special needs management platform for public school districts, ensuring that all students with special needs and behavior support requirements receive an adequate education. The program also helps districts train staff and accurately measure student progress, resulting in superior student outcomes and significant cost savings for out-of-district placements.

Can you walk us through Rethink’s innovation lab and what innovation means to Rethink?

At Rethink, innovation means understanding the market’s needs and developing unique and scalable solutions to meet them. As there is a severe shortage of trained clinicians available to serve the exploding population of individuals with a developmental disability, Rethink is focused on providing easy-to-use web-based solutions that drive rapid adoption and scalability.

Can you describe Rethink’s work culture and how it translates to clients?

Rethink’s employees share a deep passion for having a social impact and driving continuous innovation in the products they offer. This translates to clients as a fully integrated and scalable solution to meet the needs of individuals with a developmental disability and their caregivers.

What is Rethink’s roadmap for the future, and what other additions or sophistications are you currently working on to strengthen your solution set?

We are currently expanding our core product offering to include support for adults with developmental disabilities and those with Neurodiverse conditions in the workplace.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Yes, building a successful company takes time, patience, and the willingness to pivot business strategies in response to changing market conditions. Successful entrepreneurs must be willing to play the long game, moving forward each day, and remain persistent. The expression “the 10-year overnight success” is particularly relevant to building a thriving business.


The CEO of Rethink is Daniel F. Etra. He co-founded the company in 2009 with Michael Maloney, a father of a child with autism. Etra holds a degree in Psychology from Tufts University and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry and has held leadership roles in several companies, including Medscape and ELM Exchange.

Under Etra’s leadership, Rethink has become a leading provider of practice management platforms for behavioral health providers who specialize in individuals with autism and related disorders. The company has expanded its offerings to include employee benefits and education solutions, as well as a special needs management platform for public school districts.

Etra is also dedicated to advancing the field of autism research and treatment. He serves on the Board of Directors of Autism Speaks, a leading autism advocacy organization, and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Autism Science Foundation. Etra is passionate about leveraging technology to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their caregivers, and he has been recognized for his contributions to the healthcare industry with several awards, including the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Ernst & Young.

“Rethink is a unique company with a unique mission. Our goal is to help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families get the help they need to live happy and productive lives.” – Daniel Etra, Co-Founder and CEO of Rethink

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