10 Most Innovative Companies to Watch 2023

Bailey Law Firm Advocates for Innovation to Deliver Exceptional Legal Services to Its Clients

Bailey Law Firm is a law firm based in the United States, known for its legal services in the areas of personal injury, wrongful death, and medical malpractice. The firm is committed to advocating for the rights of its clients and providing them with the highest quality legal representation. The Bailey Law Firm is composed of experienced attorneys who are dedicated to achieving successful outcomes for their clients through careful analysis of their cases and a thorough understanding of the law. They work closely with their clients to ensure that their legal needs are met and that their interests are protected. With a track record of successful verdicts and settlements, the Bailey Law Firm has established itself as a trusted and respected legal resource for those in need of representation in complex legal matters.

We contacted Founder Jenna Bailey to elucidate on Bailey Law Firm’s evolution and history.

Q. What level of legal expertise can your clients expect from your firm?

Clients of Bailey Law Firm can expect a skilled lawyer with the support of a dedicated team committed to achieving the client’s objectives and maximizing results. Our attorneys are not afraid to be innovative and think outside of the box to find solutions. We strike a balance between collaboration and strong working relationships with opposing parties and vigorous litigation. Our lawyers are respected among judges and other attorneys and are passionate about working with clients. With significant trial skills and extensive experience handling million-dollar cases, our clients can expect excellent results from us.

Q. Which complementary areas do you handle?

Bailey Law Firm strategically handles complementary practice areas of personal injury and business law, allowing us to advise and protect business owners from a litigation standpoint. As litigators, we are well-equipped to draft contracts that can withstand real-world challenges, which transactional attorneys may not be able to anticipate. Our extensive litigation experience gives us the expertise to understand how contractual terms play out in the courtroom.

Q. Could you elaborate on the legal services you offer and how they are the best?

Bailey Law Firm provides clients with a wide range of legal services across multiple practice areas. Our attorneys and staff possess broad skill sets that enable us to address all aspects of our clients’ legal issues. Each team member plays a valuable role in our clients’ cases, contributing their expertise and skill to achieve the best possible outcome. Our services aim to relieve clients of the burden of their legal needs, allowing us to efficiently progress cases and matters forward. We work hard to ensure that our clients are fully informed and understand their case, explaining complex legal concepts in a way that makes sense to them. In addition, we have a client specialist with a background in psychology who serves as mental and emotional support for clients involved in serious litigation cases, such as wrongful death or serious injury cases.

Q. How important is community engagement to Bailey Law Firm, and could you provide examples of your work?

Community engagement is a core value at Bailey Law Firm, and we routinely sponsor and participate in local charitable events and causes. Our employees are given quarterly paid days off to volunteer with a charity of their choice. We understand that everyone has busy lives, so we provide carved-out paid time for our team to get involved with causes that are important to our community. For instance, we participated in a Walk to Save Animals event, which raised funds for local animal rescues. We also participated in an event at Arizona’s Capital to raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. During the pandemic, we launched a Random Acts of Kindness Campaign.

Q. How supportive is your team, and what successes have you achieved together?

Our team is supportive of one another, working together to provide best-in-class legal services to our clients and create a destination workplace for our team. Our monthly innovation meetings allow everyone to share their ideas and issues, tapping into the collective wisdom of our firm. We believe that many intelligent and creative brains are better than one, and we can best serve our clients by brainstorming as a team.

Q. What is Bailey Law Firm’s core competency, and how does it set you apart from other firms?

Our core competency is innovation, which permeates our work and approach to handling cases. Our flexible work environment is not the norm in the legal field, but it has become a differentiator. Our low turnover and efficiency save costs, which we pass on to our clients through affordable flat fee services for corporate, estate planning, and transactional work. Our firm is not afraid to take on challenging and risky cases, and we have achieved favorable results for clients on cases that other firms were afraid to undertake. Tough cases are won through thinking outside of the box

About the leader

Jenna Bailey, the Founder of Bailey Law Firm, is a skilled and innovative lawyer who has dedicated herself to providing exceptional legal services to clients in a wide range of practice areas. With her extensive trial skills and experience handling million-dollar cases, Jenna has established herself as a well-regarded lawyer among judges and other lawyers.

Jenna’s approach to law is centered on collaboration, and her team is dedicated to constantly innovating to promote the client’s objectives and maximize results. She believes in thinking outside of the box and is not afraid to take on challenging and risk cases.

Beyond her legal expertise, Jenna is also passionate about community engagement and regularly sponsors and participates in local charitable events and causes. She has created a destination workplace for her team by fostering a flexible work environment that allows them to work when and where they work best, leading to high productivity and quality work.

“Our firm possesses the business savvy and extensive litigation expertise required to adeptly handle your legal requirements.”

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